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This is the official website for the Victoria Police Historical Society Inc.
The Victoria Police Historical Society Inc. was formed in 1985 in Melbourne, Australia.
Following a successful reunion at the Prahran Police Station, a group of serving
policemen joined with members of an historical police re-enactment society and a
group of police vehicle enthusiasts, to form an historical society that focused
on all aspects of Victoria Police history.
Since then, the Society has grown and now includes current and former members of
Victoria Police, academics, and members of the general public. The Chief Commissioner
of Police in Victoria is the Society's Patron.
The aims of the Society are:
- to promote and encourage the study of police history, particularly within Victoria;
- to assist in the preservation of artefacts and records of police history in Victoria;
- to support the work of the
Victoria Police Museum
and that of the
Blue Ribbon Foundation.
In pursuit of these aims the Society engages in a range of activities that include:
- regular lecture meetings and visits to sites and facilities of interest to members.
- the publication of books and articles and microfiched indexes relating to aspects
of police history in Victoria. In addition, the Society has provided both
research and financial assistance toward publication of appropriate historical works
by individuals outside the Society. For a complete list of all these publications;
click here.
- conducting a programme to restore the grave markers of prominent former members
of Victoria Police,
click here;
- compiling a register of sites and places of significance to the history of Victoria
Police. To view the current list of sites,
click here
- by association with the
Living History Group,
engage in re-enactments related to police history;
- maintaining a database that details all officers of Victoria Police who have won
a bravery award (national, police or Royal Humane Society) for action performed
during police service. To access this database
click here.
If you wish to inquire about any of these activities, please
click here.