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The primary work on the history of Victoria Police is The People's Force
by Robert Haldane. Originally published in 1986 by Melbourne University Press, it
was republished in a revised edition in 1995. The work of the VPHS in researching
various detail regarding the history of Victoria Police cannot in any way replace
or make redundant Haldane's seminal study. Indeed, it is the essential starting
point in any study of Victoria Police history. Although Haldane's book is now out
of print, copies can be accessed in all major libraries.
The following works have been created by members of VPHS:
The Gibson Index [This is a microfiche index of more than 55,000 names
found in watchhouse charge books held by the Victoria Police Historical Unit. The
watchhouses (ie. police cells) were located in all parts of Victoria, and the period
covered is 1853-1900.] $AUD25 (plus postage of $2)
Index to Members of Victoria Police 1853-1953 [This is a microfiche index
to the more than 15,000 men and women who served with Victoria Police in its first
100 years; includes date of joining and Register Number.] $AUD12 (plus postage of
NEW Index to Warrants and Summons Books 1846-1920.
This index of more than 44,000 names is on CD and lists all entries in Warrant and
Summons Books held at the
Victoria Police Museum. $AUD35 (plus postage
of $3)
Recent police-related publications by Society members:
- Aldred, P. Cox C. & Stavely, R. (1988) Policeman's paradise Prahran:
Prahran City Council. [An interesting history of policing in a local area of Melbourne.]
- Brown, G. & R. Haldane (1998) Days of violence The 1923 police strike in
Melbourne Melbourne: Hybrid Press [A detailed account of the only strike to have
occurred in any police force.]
Brown, G., Presland, G. & Stavely, R. (1994) In the performance of duty The
murder and assault of Victorian Police 1837-1988 [A recounting of the circumstances
of all incidents in which a member of Victoria Police was deliberately killed.]
- Carey, D. (2001) On patrol in Gippsland Bairnsdale: The Author [A history
of the way in which the Gippsland area has been policed using motorised transport.]
- Haldane, R. (1995) The people's force (Revised edition) Melbourne: Melbourne
University Press [The best and most detailed history of Victoria Police. A must-read
on the subject.]
- Harris, H. & Presland, G. (1990) Cops and Robbers A guide to researching
police and criminal records in 19th century Victoria, Australia Forest Hill,
Harriland Press [A guide book focusing on the use of police and criminal records for the researching
and writing of local and family histories.]
- Hardy-Rix, S. & Stavely R. (1997) True Blue Stories of bravery from Victoria
Police Melbourne: Victoria Press [A fascinating series of stories that detail the
incidents leading to the award of the Victoria Police Valour Badge/Medal.]
- Presland, G. (1998) For God's sake send the trackers A history of Queensland
trackers and Victoria Police Melbourne: Victoria Press [A history of the relationships
that developed between a group of Queensland Aboriginal trackers and members of
Victoria Police over a period of almost 90 years.]
- Woolley, C. (1997) Arresting women A history of women in Victoria Police
Melbourne: Victoria Press [The only history that has been written of women serving in Victoria
Police. Written by a former member.]
Many of these works can be purchased through the
Victoria Police Museum.