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Journal of
Police History


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The Journal of Police History has been published at irregular intervals
since 1992 and is the official publication of the Victoria Police Historical Society.
Articles contained within the Journal focus on the widest range of subjects,
under the general heading of police history. The journal is provided free of charge
to all members of the Historical Society, as well as being distributed widely —
to all Victorian police stations, to local historical societies throughout Victoria,
and also to all university libraries within Australia. Unsolicited articles about
police history are always welcome and can be submitted to the Editor, Journal of
Police History, at the Society’s postal address: P O Box 92 Forest Hill,
Victoria 3131.
It is intended that eventually the full text of all articles from the Journal will
be freely available online, at this site. A list of all issues published to date,
as well as the articles contained therein, is as follows: